Power of attorney

A power of attorney is a useful tool in case you or somebody close to you becomes unable to take care of their affairs and/or themselves.

Future power of attorney (fremtidsfuldmagt) is indeed relevant for most people. The future power of attorney enters into force if the person who has issued it becomes seriously ill or gets into an accident and is no longer able to taker proper care of his og her affairs, health and unable to make decisions. The future power of attorney is often given to a child or a spouse and it can be the only tool to ensure that decisions are made in accordance with the wishes of the person it involves. With out a future power of attorney the spouse or family cannot make dispositions regarding crucial economic og health related topics.

Future power of attorney (fremtidsfuldmagt) is indeed relevant for most people. The future power of attorney enters into force if the person who has issued it becomes seriously ill or gets into an accident and is no longer able to taker proper care of his og her affairs, health and unable to make decisions. The future power of attorney is often given to a child or a spouse and it can be the only tool to ensure that decisions are made in accordance with the wishes of the person it involves. With out a future power of attorney the spouse or family cannot make dispositions regarding crucial economic og health related topics.

A future POA is can be issued within days and it is very affordable. At PrivatRevision we can offer you a future POA for DKK 1.500 for a single individual and DKK 2.250 for a couple. Besides the future power of attorney we assist you with registering it in the Future power of attorney archive which is mandatory to put it in force if the need for it appears.

Limited power of attorney is for limited purposes only. It can be a power of attorney to your spouse to sell property while you are working abroad – or almost any other purpose. This kind of POA is in general with a time limit. We can help you with almost any kind of POA.

General power of attorney is issued in case of unexpected travel, illness, imprisonment or other more serious matter in a near future keeps you from takin care of your affairs for a time being. Opposite the future POA, the general POA is easy to withdraw. Therefore it is often used in near family in order to take care of a persons affairs or to run a property or a business, until the person issuing the POA comes back in business so to speak.

The general POA can also be used to give a person immediate access to dispose on your (or somebody else´s) behalf if death or serious health situation is imminent and you do not have the time to issue and register the future POA.

We can help you with a very short notice in these matters. I urgent please contact us by phone and we will take care.