Tax report on family rental

  • Tax report on family rental
    3.900 kr.
  • Additional housing
    2.000 kr.

If you rent out an apartment or other property to your close family there are both the ordinary tax rules and some special tax rules you must fulfil.

The key issue is that you must report the taxable profit on your annual tax return. You must be taxed on the market rent and you may deduct certain expenses. Furthermore you may avoid or deduct property taxes.

If you use the company taxation scheme (virksomhedsordningen og just VSO) there may be several other advantages such as the option of low taxation on profits, distributing profits and losses between spouses, company car or that you may use low taxed funds from other business to facilitate the apartment for your child.

In any case you need to report to the tax authorities each year.

PrivatRevision offers an efficient concept where you each year provide us with a statement of account and a few other information. Besides that we need access to your files at

With this we can for the price of DKK 3.900 make the annual tax report, we do the tax optimization and we report to The only thing you need to do is to confirm each year that you want this service. You do this by sending in information i.e. by responding on our email in the beginning of January.

There are no ties and no obligations from you. If you send in information we make the tax report.

Please contact us if you like to be on our list. Then we will contact you in the beginning of the year for the annual tax report.