Tax return

Each year you are obliged to report you taxable income to the Danish tax authorities.

If you live in Denmark, your entire global income must be reported each year before 1st May if you only have Danish salary or pension income (uncomplicated tax situation). For everybody with their own business, rental, foreign income or other non-regular Danish income the total income, deductions and taxes paid abroad must be reporter at the latest on 1st July (or if 1st July is in a weekend: The next working day).

For some the annual tax return is uncomplicated. Danish source salaries, pensions, most interest, dividends and gains on financial assets and stocks in Danish banks are reported automatically to Skattestyrelsen. If you do not have any other kinds of income, you are only obliged to secure that everything has been correctly reported.

If you have anything else than the above mentioned the tax return may become more complex. Please be aware that the responsibility lies on you. You are responsible under the Danish laws (and penal system) that you pay the sufficient taxes. In case you have rental income, business income, RSUs or capital gains it is highly important that you make sure it is reported properly.

Our services starts at DKK 2.500 for a look through your tax return and we offer almost all kinds of service to make your taxes as they should be.