Buy an apartment in Denmark

  • Buyer consultancy - Fixed price*
    7.500 kr.
  • Deed, rectification, and post-case processing.**
    5.900 kr.

When you buy an apartment in Denmark there are many matters to address, and most people would need an experienced adviser.

If you are not a Danish citizen you will in most cases need a permit from the Justice Department to purchase property in Denmark, unless you have been here for at least 5 years. If in doubt this must off course be clarified. We can off course help you with this.

If you already own property in Denmark or if you have lived here for some years it is in general legal for you to buy your own apartment.

When buying an apartment numerous topics need to be addressed.

The Danish system for purchasing and selling property is in fact quite safe if you buy through a registered real estate agent like i.e. Home, Nybolig, danbolig, Estate, EDC etc. You will normally sign a sales contract/purchase contract with a lot of information and with 2 crucial conditions:

  1. Your bank needs to approve the financial part of the trade bold bold
  2. Your adviser must approve the purchase

If you put in us as your adviser in the sales contract section 11, and the condition for your purchase is that your adviser approves, you will be sure that no deal is final until we have looked through the documents, we have discussed certain matters with you, and we have approved (or cancelled) the purchase.

Besides the sales contract there are numerous of other documents to review. Plans or declaration from the city, agreement and economy within the association of owners, property taxes – just to mention a few.

When you hire us to assist with your purchase you may be sure that someone experienced and with an insurance has looked through the purchase terms and the reality you look into as a owner. We will give you a written summary of need and nice to know on the specific property and we will guide you through the process as your representative.

You standard price is DKK 7.500. There may be additional services to register the ownership on DKK 5.900. Often the real estate agent takes care of the registration. It shows in the sales agreement section 8 who is doing the registration (deed/validation or skøde/tinglysning/berigtigelse).

Please feel free to contact us for help with your purchase.