Rasmus knage Thomsen

skattejurist, cand.jur.

Rasmus er skattejurist ved PrivatRevision med særligt fokus på international skat.
Rasmus er udannet jurist, cand.jur., fra Aarhus Universitet.
Rasmus beskæftiger sig med danske og internationale klienter, herunder de skattemæssige forhold vedrørende skattemæssigt hjemsted ved til- og fraflytning, udstationering, udenlandsk indkomst mv.

Rasmus is a tax lawyer at PrivatRevision with a special focus on international taxation. She holds a law degree, cand.jur., from Aarhus University. Rasmus works with Danish and international clients, including tax matters related to tax residency in cases of immigration and emigration, expatriation, foreign income, and more